
Sustainable and digital

What can our canton expect in the coming years? What are the key issues and priorities for the Aargau Government Council? In its development mission statement, the Government Council addresses the question of where the Canton of Aargau will be ten years from now and in what direction it should develop. Aargau as a residential and industrial centre wants to become even more important, drive industrialisation forward and work actively to combat climate change.

In its development mission statement (ELB), the Government Council addresses the question of where the Canton of Aargau will be ten years from now and in what direction our canton should develop. On the basis of the current ELB 2021–2030, pioneering interdepartmental projects are in place that are being pursued by the canton to benefit residents and industry. Test your knowledge about them in the quiz and be sure to take a look at the future of the Canton of Aargau.

Development mission statement 2021–2030

1 development mission statement
10 -year planning horizon
Every 4 years there is a revision

Improving Aargau as a centre for residential and industrial life

Aren't you living and working in Aargau yet? Go for it now! With the "Aargau 2030 – Stärkung Wohn- und Wirtschaftsstandort" programme ("Aargau 2030" for short), the Government Council aims to further improve the basic conditions for strengthening the canton as a residential area and industrial centre in accordance with the development mission (ELB) for the years 2021–2030. The "Aargau 2030" programme comprises eight future-oriented projects in the areas of taxes, land, innovation, a skilled workforce, tourism, work-life balance. 

The "Aargau 2030" programme

Aargau is getting smarter and smarter

The canton is driving the digital transformation forward with the SmartAargau programme and continuously optimising its administrative processes to offer its services simply and independently of time and place.

The Canton of Aargau is using the digital transformation to offer more and more digital and paperless public services to the population, organisations and businesses. We have set up the Smart Service Portal for this purpose: here, you can deal with your cantonal and municipal services quickly and paper-free – for example, preparing relocations, obtaining building permissions or completing vehicle registration. The Smart Service Portal is a milestone in the digitalisation and modernisation of the public authorities in the Canton of Aargau. It is being steadily expanded and optimised so that as many administrative services as possible can be obtained via the Smart Service Portal.

Are you a data nerd?

Would you like to know how many children have been born in your municipality or how many jobs there are in the canton? If you enjoy diving deep into data, take a look at the "Gemeindeporträt". This municipal portrait will open up a new perspective on Aargau's municipalities – you will be able to call up a display of statistical information about every one of them in the form of graphics and tables.

How much Aargau is there in you?

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Into the future with innovation

Aargau is a strong business location. It is important to us for companies to have the best possible access to the best available technologies – specifically in the areas of digitalisation and resource efficiency. We have been running the Hightech Aargau programme for more than ten years now for this purpose. We use it to promote interaction and collaboration between SMEs, universities and research institutions as well as large, internationally orientated enterprises.

The core of Hightech Aargau is the Hightech Zentrum Aargau (HTZ) in Brugg. The HTZ's experts have practical experience, and support and advise SMEs on important technology issues and innovation projects as well as pass on appropriate contacts with specialists. They also open doors to universities and create access to development funding. One key area for the HTZ lies in energy technology and resource efficiency. This also corresponds to the key development focus of "resource-saving innovation" set by the Government Council.

Hightech Zentrum Aargau

159 digitali­sation projects were su­pported by Smart­Aargau from 2018 to 2021.
43 percent of the canton's area is agri­cultural land.
By 2050 emissions of green­house gas­es are to be re­duced step by step to net zero.

Aargau is climate friendly

The effects of climate change such as the increasing heat stress and summer drought as well as the increased flood risk are making their presence felt in the Canton of Aargau even today. They are set to rise further. For this reason, we are preparing for the foreseeable effects in good time. The Government Council supports the Paris Agreement and therefore the Federal Council's climate policy goals. The canton also contributes within its powers to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases step by step to net zero by 2050.

To reach the climate policy goals, the commitment of all those involved is needed in the areas of both climate protection and climate change adaptation. The Government Council has therefore approved a cantonal climate strategy. This consists of the so-called "climate compass" and an action plan with projects from every area of the cantonal administration.

Climate change – what is the canton doing? 

Energy supply

In Aargau, we champion a secure and sustainable energy supply (the energieAARGAU strategy). The energieAARGAU strategy serves us well here. The core of the strategy is to improve energy efficiency and expand renewable energies with a focus in the construction sector. With energieAARGAU, the Canton of Aargau runs a central contact and information point for answering questions and offers support on topics such as energy efficiency or the implementation of the cantonal energy legislation. A variety of development programmes offer financial support, for example "Das Gebäudeprogramm" ("The Buildings Programme") or the solar offensive.

energieAARGAU strategy

Promoting biodiversity

The Aargau Government Council also wants to protect the canton's natural foundations for the long term – water, soil and biodiversity in particular – and therefore secure functioning ecosystems. We thus promote the diversity of species and habitats as well as efficient agriculture that is geared towards environmentally friendly production and food security. We also consider the population's increasing requirement of ecological methods here. With the Labiola programme, the canton is strengthening agriculture, promoting cultivated landscapes and increasing biodiversity in Aargau. In addition, the Landwirtschaftliche Zentrum Liebegg promotes and supports forward-looking projects in Aargau's agricultural sector.

Eine rote Drohne schwebt über einem Feld, auf welchem Pflanzen wachsen. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen Traktor, der das Feld bestellt.
Precision farming: a drone is being used to cut down the use of crop protection agents.

The Labiola programme

People create the future

Aargau is the canton of creators and creation. The people here take the future into their own hands. They implement their plans and in doing so make an important contribution to Aargau as a whole. The people of Aargau make the difference by being active – by being creative. The Canton of Aargau makes the difference by enabling people to be creative.

More about People create the future