Employment and Industry
Attractive and central
Aargau is one of Switzerland's most important industrial centres. Aargau's businesses, large and small, are extremely diverse and benefit from the vibrant innovation landscape and renowned educational and research institutions.
Do you like chocolate or potato crisps? Many of our favourite products are produced in Aargau. Join us on a short voyage of discovery in Aargau as a centre of employment and industry
From Aargau to the world
Aargau numbers a total of 45'000 companies. The majority are small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) and trade or craft businesses. A large number of international groups and hidden champions with an international focus are based in Aargau or have major production facilities and research institutions in Aargau.
Likewise, Aargau SMEs are not only active and successful in Switzerland but also internationally.
Did you know that the largest chocolate manufacturer in Switzerland is based in Buchs in Aargau? That's Delica AG. Or did you know that the largest Swiss producer of renewable energies is headquartered in Baden? Axpo. Is your kitchen from Aargau as well? Maybe from Franke Holding of Aarburg, which sells its kitchen systems all over the world. Or medicines, vaccines or vitamin preparations – a lot of those come from Aargau. They are produced in Aargau by famous companies such as Novartis, Lonza, DSM, Siegfried and Dottikon ES Holding AG. Famous Aargau companies in the food sector are Feldschlösschen, Hero, Rivella and Zweifel. Neuhaus AG in Windisch supplies labels, Domaco in Lengnau manufactures glucose and cough sweets and Airex in Sins produces fitness mats for the global market.
Do you have a good business idea or would you like to develop your business further? The economic promotion organisation Aargau Services supports existing and potential companies' projects.
Well located, well rated
Aargau is an attractive business location. That isn't only our opinion as citizens of Aargau; the renowned rating agency Standard & Poor's and banks Credit Suisse and UBS say so as well. They give our canton top marks for creditworthiness and the location's attractiveness.
The international rating agency Standard & Poor's rates the Canton of Aargau's credit standing as AAA. This very good rating reflects the canton's commitment to finance policy: sharply falling debt levels, sound financial management, a moderate tax burden, limited financial risks, a strong economy coupled with a plentiful supply of skilled employees. Aargau has held a leading position in the CS and UBS ratings of the cantons for years because of its favourable location, excellent links and the moderate tax burden for private individuals.
Aargau is situated in the heart of the strongest economic region in Switzerland. It lies in the intersection of the main transport axes between the economic centres of Basel, Bern and Zurich. Its proximity to and close collaboration with Germany and France guarantee excellent links to Europe.
High tech and innovation
Aargau is one of the most important locations in Switzerland in the field of leading-edge technologies. Local industry is using artificial intelligence, nanotechnologies and advanced manufacturing to continue to play a role in the world market in the future. The high-tech companies established here operate in a number of industries: energy and electrical engineering, information and communication technology, plastics technology, the life science industry and medical technology as well as mechanical engineering and the metal industry are particularly prominent here.
Aargau is being reinforced as an industrial and research centre with the cantonal programme Hightech Aargau. Here, companies can benefit from the expertise and network of competent specialists. The Hightech Zentrum Aargau acts as a hub between academic research and industry, and financial support for research is available to companies thanks to the Forschungsfonds Aargau. The Park Innovaare in Villigen is the network location of the national innovation park. Companies benefit from their proximity to the globally famous Paul Scherrer Institute and its large-scale research facilities, where they can gain access to leading-edge research. The Technopark® Aargau in Brugg offers infrastructure and support specifically to technology-oriented startups.
Research and development
The many companies in Aargau depend on skilled personnel. These are also trained in the canton, such as at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland) based in Brugg-Windisch and at private research centres like the ABB-Forschungszentrum (research centre) or the Kunststoff Kunststoff Ausbildungs- und Technologiezentrum training and technology centre (KATZ). The University of Basel's Swiss Nanosciences Institut carries out research on behalf of Aargau in the field of nanotechnology. Aargau scores in the area of agriculture and nutrition with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture.
An above-average share of all Aargau's workforce works in the field of research and development – twice the Swiss average. The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen and Würenlingen is the biggest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. With around 2'100 employees, it conducts cutting-edge research in the fields of matter and materials, human health and energy and the environment. This unique science centre attracts more than 2'500 scientists to Aargau every year.
More than an industrial canton
Aargau's economy produces goods and services to the value of more than 44 billion Swiss francs every year (2020). Industries shaping Aargau's business landscape include pharmaceuticals and chemicals, the electrical and engineering industry, commerce and construction. Because of its long and successful history in industry, Aargau is also referred to as an industrial canton. The industrial sector is very strong in Aargau to this day. Around 94'000 of its 346'000 employees work in industry, a share of 27 percent.
Active pursuit of more skilled workers

The Canton of Aargau actively strives to ensure that its companies find enough skilled employees. The Work Life Aargau job and information platform supports skilled workers in their search for employment and serves as an image platform for companies. Under the title of Kooperation Arbeitsmarkt (Employment Market Cooperation), the invalidity insurance agency (IV), SVA Aargau (Aargau's social insurance body) and the RAV (the regional employment centres) that belong to the AWA (Office of Economy and Employment) work intensively and systematically with interested municipalities to integrate more jobseekers into the employment market. This is unique in Switzerland.
Qualifications count, not age
With the campaign "Potenzial 50plus", the Canton of Aargau has been making companies and the public at large aware of the huge potential of jobseekers over 50 years of age since 2013. Although their unemployment rate is no higher than that of younger workers, they often need longer to find another job. For this reason, AWA has developed several offerings for them.
Would you like to help older people re-enter the employment market? Get in touch with Tandem Aargau. You will find important tips and support for jobseekers over 50 at Stellensuchende 50Plus.