

Schutz vor Cyberattacken

Digitale Technologien bieten heute schier unendliche Möglichkeiten, sich im Netz zu bewegen, Informationen zu erhalten oder sich selbst zu präsentieren. Doch im Internet bewegen sich auch Menschen mit kriminellen Absichten. Sie hacken Computer, stehlen persönliche Daten und erpressen Geld. Dabei gehen diese immer professioneller vor.

Companies in Switzerland are also increasingly being targeted for industrial espionage and cyberattacks. Below, you will find useful information on how you can protect your company.


MELANI, the online portal of the Reporting and Analysis Center for Information Assurance, is designed to support SMEs in Switzerland and private computer and Internet users. Here you will find information on how you can protect yourself and your data from cyberattacks.

“Prophylaxis” information brochure

The “Prophylaxis” information brochure is part of a prevention and awareness campaign conducted by the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (NDB). Here you will find information on industrial espionage and how you can take security measures.


Winner of multiple international awards, the film “Targeted – Economic Espionage in Switzerland” offers a realistic scenario of what economic espionage against an SME in Switzerland can look like.

More information – Fedpol

You can receive additional useful information on cybercrime and risks in cyberspace directly from the Swiss Federal Office of Police (fedpol). You’d like to report a cyberattack? You can submit it on the Fedpol website.

Do you still have questions about cyberattacks and how you can protect yourself? Simply contact us.